
Jun 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Chad

Take One:

Take Two:

Take Three:

Birthday video from last year 2007:

Jun 1, 2008

Sailing to the Azores, Portugal

I recently Sailed From Bermuda to the Azores in Portugal. This was my first Trans-Atlantic sail. Here are some videos:

Above ground... well graves I guess. In Bermuda
Our Vessel

A few hundred miles off of Bermuda this little bird flew into the cabin and landed on my shirt. Bill grabbed him and warmed him up for a while. It was a very gusty day, and we assumed the bird had been blown offshore.After seeing nothing but blue and grey for days and days and days it was really a pleasure to see some green. And on top of that, a really strange looking foreign green. All I could thing about was getting food and ice water. it was my mantra.
The restaurant by the red umbrellas had these really good shrimp pastry things called Rissóis de Camarão.
Horta, Azores - One of the few places in the world where more people arrive by sailboat than airplane.

This appears to be an abandoned church, what's amazing about it is in the next few pictures.

Standing on the rim of a Volcano, or Caldera. It's last activity was sometime in the 1980's.

Lisbon, Portugal: