We're getting ready to go. That means packing tons and tons of both necessary, and useless shit on the boat! We have enough canned food (thanks Grandpa and Grandma Lawie) and ramen noodles to out last a nuclear winter.
We have gotten a lot done. We are getting ready to cut the ties to the dock and head off into the open sea! Or at least a narrow canal that most people lovingly refer to as "the ditch," also known as the "Inter Coastal Waterway."
Yes, that's right, for those of you that were under the assumption that we would be sailing the ocean blue... Well, sorry to burst your bubble.

about how to fend off an attacking shark.
The book said to "try swimming at the shark, sense sharks are used to being run from, that tactic might throw it off it's guard."
Personally, when it comes to learning to fend off a shark I don't like the sound of the words "try" and "might." What if swimming at the shark doesn't work? I'm guessing your next move would be to pull your severed leg out of the jaws of the shark and start beating him over the head with it. Did you know sharks don't have bones? I didn't. Look it up. I'll bet you a million dollars.
As fun as Chuamont (pronounced sha - mo, kinda like Shamoo, which is only one letter away from Shampoo) is, LeeAnn and I are ready to get on with the trip. We have around a week and a half left. Not much time at all.
By the way. We got a cat. She, is all black. I wanted to name her Rosa Parks, but LeeAnn thought it might be offensive. We settled on the name Sushi. Now that I think about it Zorro would have been a sweet name for an all black cat. Hmm, wish I would have thought of that sooner.
Zorro... err Sushi fell off the boat today. We