Aug 28, 2014

Buffalo and Crossing Lake Erie

Apparently NY State just wasn’t ready to let us go. When we made it to Buffalo at the end of the Erie Canal, we were hit with a thunderstorm, followed by several days of strong winds out of the West.

Aug 20, 2014

Chocolate Chip Rum Cookies

We've spent several yucky, windy, rainy days in Buffalo, NY. During these times I end up baking cookies. I like fluffy cookies, and I have a pretty awesome Chocolate Chip Rum Cookie Recipe here:

Aug 16, 2014

The Erie Canal

On 8/1/14 we started our trip on the Erie Canal. It was fun to see the canal again, and to compare the reality of the canal to my memories of it.

Aug 13, 2014

The Hudson River

We left New York City and headed up the Hudson River. We had to time our exit from the marina with the tide, so we left around mid day. The main objective was just to get off the expensive ($130 per night) NYC dock. Where we got to didn’t matter so much. So we put up the sails and progressed lazily up the river at about 3 knots.

Jul 31, 2014

New York City

Our exit through the Cape May inlet was much more calm and pleasant than our entrance. We even spotted a few bottle nose dolphins on our way out.

Instead of day hopping up to NYC, we decided to go from Cape May to NYC in one jump.

C&D canal and Delaware Bay

We left Worton Creek and headed to Chesapeake City on the C&D Canal. The next day we passed through the C&D and made some progress on the Delaware Bay.

It was a cloudy, yucky day, but the wind was great and for the first time it was not coming from the direction we wanted to go!

Jul 20, 2014

And we're off!

What a first day. We were up early, excited and ready to go. I go to start the starboard engine ... and nothing happens.


Jul 15, 2014

Getting Ready To Go

It has been a crazy rush since we arrived in Annapolis last week. Showing up at a boat and getting it ready for a 1,300 mile trip takes A LOT of work.

Adding to the difficulty is the lack of a car, and the 21 month old toddler we have on board. There is no end to the trouble Hobie can get himself into. At the same time Hobie is sprinkling in a bit of the terrible twos just for good measure.

Jul 6, 2014

Packed and ready to go!

Tonight is our last night sleeping in a house! Ready or not, the dice has been rolled. We're leaving tomorrow morning. We're packed up and I feel ready!

Jun 26, 2014

Here We Go Again

We sold our Privateer 35 (pictured below) in 2009. We knew we wanted to continue cruising, but we wanted a boat better suited to living aboard.

It's been five long years of planning, working, scrimping, saving, and not a day has gone by that I haven't dreamt of going sailing again. That day is finally here! We purchased a Lagoon 380 (pictured below) and we're gearing up to move aboard!

The boat is located in Annapolis, Maryland. We will be spending the summer brining the back home to Muskegon, Mi.

Lagoon Owners Manual

These seem to be a little difficult to come by, so I thought I'd post them:

Lagoon 380 Owners Manual - Click Here
Lagoon 410 Owners Manual - Click Here