So we are settled back into a pretty normalish life aside from the fact that we live on a boat. We’re docked right in downtown and we use our bikes for everything from getting groceries to getting to work. On rainy days we pack a change of cloths.
When it comes to bike riding in the rain, once you are fully soaked, it’s really pretty enjoyable. I mean, when is the last time you marveled at the miracle of fresh water falling from the sky. It’s also part of the adventure because it’s not something I would normally do. I suppose I could just spend $5 on a cab if I really didn’t want to do it. And there is the marina shuttle van which LeeAnn sometimes takes.
The marina has laundry machines and showers. We got local bank accounts, and library cards (for cheap yet a surprisingly good DVD selection). Wifi, electricity, water, and cable are all included in our monthly slip fees of $350/month. From talking to others we are starting to think that we have perhaps the lowest slip fees out of anyone in the marina. The slips are owned, dockominium style, so the owner of the slip sets the rate.
I LOVE living on the water. Coming home to the boat at night after work, taking a long walk down the dock to our boat. Being next to the water, all the boats tied up to the dock. It puts me in such a great state of mind.
I probably won't post much until we start traveling again. We've got a few ideas for the next adventure... U.S. West coast? British Columbia Canada/Alaska? but before anything else we hope to hit the Bahamas and the Caribbean this fall 2008.
So thanks traveling along with us so far. I'll be throwing a few posts out, but for the most part we will see you this fall!

Beautiful ... beautiful showers. and yes I was naked when I took this picture.

Free laundry!

ReplyDeleteI was going to suggest you post some pictures of historic Charleston and relate a little history. Or as is always welcome your political or religious views of the region and people.
But o.k. I like what you've posted so far.
I agree with most of what my big bro said!! I would be sad to have to wait until the fall! Tell LeeAnn to put a jacket on...she is going to catch a cold sitting around like that! :) Aunt Joni