Dec 25, 2008

Christmas in West Palm Beach, FL

Merry Christmas!!
I got LeeAnn a waterproof digital camera.
LeeAnn got me a Waffle maker that I'm very excited to try out! We couldn't use it this morning because we made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, a family christmas tradition. We got Sushi these little fur balls that she has been chasing throughout the boat.

Our Christmas dinner includes: ham, sweet potatoes, biscuits, veggies, wine, and Christmas snacks (which are normal snacks that become Christmas snacks when you eat them on Christmas day). We've started watching christmas movies, and we probably wont stop for the rest of the day!

Right now LeeAnn is baking a Christmas cake (which is a normal cake that becomes a Christmas cake when baked on Christmas day), and if we are feeling religious later on, we might stick 2,008 birthday candles in it, and sing happy birthday to Jesus.

We were on our second day offshore, heading down to West Palm, coming around Cape Canaveral when this submarine surfaced in front of us. It was pretty freaky! We started getting really close, and eventually had to change course to avoid a collision.

We took this picture of the sunset in St. Augustine. It was a really cool city, I wish we could have hung around longer. It was one of Spain's first American Colonies. I was impressed by the architecture, and all the bums.

LeeAnn all dressed up for her watch.

The Bahamas are just one short trip away! Only 50 miles.... 110 miles shorter than our last offshore jump. I can't wait! We will probably be leaving at the end of this week!!!

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